Thursday, April 15, 2010


Some people exhilarate you by describing you as a superman, to persuade you to do what they want you to do.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Aliens holding passport!

Asia Pacific Telecommunity is going to hold its 2010 Forum of “The Policy and Regulation” in Honiara, Solomon Islands. I have been nominated to attend as the representative of my employer, however it is very unlikely that I could make it to the conference on time for some reasons.

In the beginning it took a while to locate the place on google earth, it is a very tiny island in Pacific Ocean. Then I started looking for a proper flight to get me there on time and I am yet to find one. The reaction of travelling agencies is sort of funny. To some of them, I look like a lonely explorer seeking adventure in a voyage to the middle of nowhere. I think I am their first traveler to such place, as they will most probably fail to arrange flight for such an unknown place.

But arranging ticket is not my main problem, Visa is. I talked to many of conveners of the meeting and none of them had any idea how one should apply for visa. When I checked Solomon Islands Immigration Office website, I found citizens of many countries are allowed to travel there without Visa, or they are able to get it at arrival time. I am one of the few ones who need to get visa before arrival.

I was wondering why I should be the exception, what they think about me and my country? I figured it out when I downloaded the Visa Application Form and saw the title: “Visa Application Form for Aliens Holding Passport”.

They believe I am an alien, maybe because none of my compatriots have ever travelled there. Are they expecting me on a flying saucer rather than an air craft? If I get there I will explain them that people of my country are humans not aliens, and then I try to figure out what the hell Solomon was doing there? I need to report this to my freaky boss :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Disposable Miracles

Love can relieve one’s pains, give him re-birth, blow a new beginning to his life, can make her life shiny, makes you feel enthusiastic and young, full of energy, high on life, can do miracles… but it doesn’t last more than five years. Then you return to the same point before love, but five years older.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The best thing about sex

The best thing about sex is that I do not need it anymore once I’m done with it. For few moments, it looks as if I am experiencing the gap between thoughts, so-called moments of freedom. It comes to be sort of transcendental experience. To me transcendental happens when solely my own presence suffices: when the moment is so perfect that I do not need to desire exotic experiences of future.